White paper highlights the role of digitalisation for sustainable water management
Climate change and urbanization are increasing the pressure on urban water management. On behalf of the European Commission, a group of researchers has analyzed the need for digital technology to ensure better management of our water resources and to achieve set environmental and climate goals.
– The report highlights the central role of the water sector in what is known as the twin transition to a green and digital economy. It describes the importance of using policy instruments to scale up and spread digital technology in the market. It also shows that environmental legislation must be further developed so that digital technology can be used better both for the benefit of the environment and contribute to the digital economy, says Andreas Englund at IVL, co-author of the report.
The results are based on about 60 ICT4Water research projects, funded through the EU's Horizon 2020 program. The report identifies good examples and what policy changes are needed to disseminate digital technology in the water sector.
An example of digital technology that is highlighted are sensors for so-called predictive maintenance that have been developed within the IVL-coordinated project SCOREwater. This means analyzing data from sensors in the wastewater pipeline network to predict in advance clogging that could lead to maintenance needs. This is an area where IVL is at the forefront and has developed a new patented technology.
– This is an example of a digital service that saves both time and money while providing the conditions to work more sustainably. Using the sensors also reduces the risk of floods that can be caused by clogging, says Andreas Englund.
SCOREwater participates in 14 partners from three different countries who together look at how sensors and digital tools can be used to gain better knowledge and increase cities' preparedness and ability to handle different changes. In three cities; Amersfoort, Barcelona and Gothenburg, the solutions are tested under real conditions.
Download the report here: The need for digital water in a green Europe External link, opens in new window.
For more information, please contact:
Andreas Englund, andreas.englund@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 69 26