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Our latest publications:

  • Provtagning och kemisk analys inom hälsorelaterad miljögiftsövervakning 2024 : Kemikaliebelastning i 21 förskolors innemiljö

    Förskolor, där barn tillbringar stora delar av sin tid, har identifierats som viktiga miljöer att undersöka gällande förekomst och exponering för skadliga ämnen. Material och produkter som används i förskolor, såsom byggmaterial, möbler och leksaker, kan innehålla ämnen som ftalater, bisfenoler, PFAS och flamskyddsmedel. Dessa kemikalier kan...
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  • Swedish National Nitrogen Budget - Waste

    This report presents the ‘Waste’ pool of Sweden’s National Nitrogen Budget (NNB), one of eight major pools defined by the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen under the Air Convention (CLRTAP). The NNB tracks all major reactive nitrogen (Nr) flows within and across the country. In the Waste pool, the largest Nr flows come from industrial and household...
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  • CO2 uptake in cement-containing products : Background and calculation models for implementation in national greenhouse gas emission inventories

    This report is a novel attempt to fill in the information and methodological gap in national and international annual greenhouse gas net emission estimations for the purpose of reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in relation to CO2 uptake in cement-containing products. Presently, the Intergovernmental...
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  • Does vessel size matter? Policy instruments in maritime transport and their impact on the working and living conditions on board

    This report examines the potential implications of size cut-offs in maritime regulation and legislation on seafarers’ working and living conditions. The primary focus is on the newly introduced European Union (EU) environmental regulations. While the EU's new policies aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions and bring the sector into the climate action...
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  • Further development of indicators for sustainable forestry in Sweden

    The aim of the study was to further develop methods that can be used to assess to what extent one scenario for future forestry is overall more sustainable, compared to other scenarios in the same area. The study will not answer which future scenario that is most sustainable. Instead, the study aims to contribute to the development of standardized...
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  • Vägledning - Policyer och styrmedel för främjade av återbruk på plats

    Vägledningen är framtagen inom ramen för det Vinnovafinansierade projektet ”Utveckling av policyer och styrmedel för att främja återbruk på plats”. Med denna vägledning vill vi sprida kunskap, och beskriva styrmedel och policyförslag som kan bidra till att förlänga livslängdenför inredning och/eller produkter i befintliga fastigheter.Målgruppen för...
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  • Comparing high-quality recycling and downcycling of plastics : Calculating carbon footprints using a basket of functions approach

    This report was written within the project Differentiated recycling criteria for plastics for a more sustainable recycling of plastics in Sweden (Differentierade plaståtervinningskriterier för en mer hållbar svensk plaståtervinning). It is based on the observation that the Swedish Extended Producer Responsibility stipulates the share of plastic...
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  • Swedish National Nitrogen Budget - Humans and settlements

    This report presents pool ‘Humans and settlement’ of the Swedish National Nitrogen Budget (NNB), one of the eight major pools defined by the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen within the Air Convention (CLRTAP). A complete NNB captures all major flows of all forms of reactive nitrogen (Nr) within a country and across the country borders. In the...
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  • Potential uses of oversized and clustered Pacific oysters from wild populations

    Pacific oysters, introduced to Europe in the 1960s, have spread widely, forming feral populations with commercial potential. Here, we explored commercial opportunities for oversized and clustered oysters obtained from management harvest. We show that oysters obtained from management harvest have various applications - such as in design, animal feed...
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  • Hur bidrar företag med klimatmål till godstransporternas omställning?

    Denna rapport visar att transportköpande företag med egna klimatmål bidrar till klimatomställningen av godstransporterna, men att bidraget är begränsat. Den slutsatsen baserar vi på en kombination av intervjuer, enkätutskick och egna beräkningar. Vi har sett flera exempel på företag som lägger såväl tid som pengar på att nå sina uppsatta klimatmål....
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