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Press releases and news

Here you will find our press releases and news

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    High levels of environmental toxins in mussels after oil spill
    The oil that leaked when the Marco Polo ran aground in October 2023 has caused measurable pollution throughout the area and high levels of environmental toxins in mussels, according to a study conducted by IVL Swedish Environmental Institute on behalf of the Blekinge County Administrative Board.
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    Researchers propose harmonized Nordic calculation methods to reduce buildings' climate impact
    Together with Nordic colleagues, experts at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute have developed calculation methods that they believe can form the basis of a joint Nordic implementation of European building legislation.
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    Twice as much textile is thrown in the trash than is left for reuse
    How many extra kilos of textiles do you have in your closet? The consumption of new textiles increases every year, but used textiles still account for a very small proportion, according to a study conducted by researchers at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute as part of the Usereuse project. And we throw almost twice as many textiles in the trash as we leave for reuse.
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    IVL explores measures to reduce environmental impact of underwater noise
    Underwater noise in the oceans is a growing environmental problem. Increased shipping and heavy recreational boat traffic have a negative impact on wildlife and the environment. Despite this, effective measures to reduce this noise are lacking. With two recently launched projects, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and partners want to change this.
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    New report: Clear potential for hydrogen and electrofuels in Sweden
    Sweden has relatively good supplies of the resources needed to produce both hydrogen and electrofuels. If the investments now being made in hydrogen materialize and the trend continues, Sweden could, long term, become a net exporter of hydrogen. However, so far, development has been slowed by a lack of policy instruments for hydrogen and regulations for how it can be managed.
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    How design can help increase plastics recycling
    How can we increase the recycling of plastic products? Plastic is often used unnecessarily or in combinations that make recycling difficult. Researchers at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute have identified seven measures that can be implemented at the design stage to increase recycling.
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    SWIC research centre opened
    Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Centre, SWIC, is a unique facility that develops technologies to make use of resources in wastewater. It has now moved to Loudden in Stockholm and has been officially inaugurated.
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    SEK 70 million for continued research on sustainable and green chemistry
    The Mistra SafeChem research programme, led by IVL, aims to establish a safe, sustainable and green chemical industry in Sweden. The funding body Mistra has decided to support the research with up to SEK 70 million, which means the programme can continue its work for another four years.
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    The environment is the main driver for second-hand shopping
    Consumers buy second-hand goods primarily for the sake of the environment, followed by the economy. This is the result of a study conducted by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute in cooperation with several second-hand shops and reuse operators.
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    Several climate benefits of producing hydrogen from biogas, new report finds
    Renewable hydrogen plays an important role in the green transition, but supply is still limited. In a research project, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has studied the possibilities of producing hydrogen from biogas at wastewater treatment plants for use in city buses in Luleå. The results show that there are several advantages, both in terms of cost and climate.
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    Smart business models are the key to large-scale recycling of waste heat
    Every year, huge amounts of energy are wasted by not harnessing unused heat flows. As much as a quarter of the EU's heating requirements could be recovered from data centres, industrial plants and other facilities. Now three major EU initiatives are being launched in which IVL's expertise in business models plays a key role.
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    New law to stop greenwashing
    The European Parliament has adopted a new directive banning greenwashing and misleading product information. It will now be unlawful to claim that a product is "climate neutral" or "climate positive" as a result of carbon offsetting.
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    IVL takes part in Sweden's new innovation initiative
    IVL is participating in two of the programmes receiving funding through Sweden's major innovation initiative for the 2030s – Impact Innovation. The programmes will accelerate the transition to a sustainable society and strengthen Sweden's competitiveness.
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    Sustainable development is profitable in Arctic Council countries
    Investments in technology and measures to reduce emissions of air pollutants and the use of fossil fuels are socio-economically profitable, according to an analysis of the Arctic Council countries conducted by IVL researchers.
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    Transition of textile and construction sectors requires a combination of instruments
    In a study for the Nordic Council of Ministers, economists at IVL have analyzed how environmental taxes can promote the transition to a circular economy in the Nordic region. The focus was on two sectors with extensive material flows: textiles and construction.