TraceMet provides knowledge about the origin of the metals
The TraceMet project works to create a system that provides better traceability of metals, so it will be possible to environmentally certify them throughout the value chain. The flow of two Swedish metals is in focus: iron and copper.
The need for metals and minerals is growing with new technology and with the transition to new forms of energy. At the same time, concerns are growing about the mining industry's negative impact on both the environment and its local community.
The purpose of the project TraceMet (Traceability for sustainable metals and minerals, Traceability for sustainable metals and minerals) is to contribute to a solution to this growing conflict. It is initiated by the mines' industry organization Svemin, which is also the project owner.
The goal of the project is to develop an administrative system and a technical solution that enables a certified environmental declaration. With the help of mass balance accounting and a blockchain database, it should be possible to see both the carbon footprint of the metal and how much recycled material it contains throughout the value chain.
The project will develop two different pilot systems. One follows the value chain for iron, from the mine via steel production to buses or trucks. The second applies to copper, from mining through the manufacture of copper wire to finished electrical cables.
In this way, TraceMet will show how an internationally accepted system for certification and traceability can be designed, to support a more sustainable metal production.
Project facts
- TraceMet - Traceability for sustainable metals and minerals
- Budget: SEK 5.3 million including the parties' working hours
- Project owner: Svemin
- Financier: Swedish Mining Innovation, the strategic innovation program for the mining and metal extraction industry that is part of Vinnova's, the Swedish Energy Agency's and Formas' investment in strategic innovation areas.
- Samarbetpartners: Rise, Boliden, LKAB, Elektrokoppar AB, SSAB, ABB, Scania, Volvo Group
- Period: 2019 - 2021