Retrofeed - for circular and resource efficient process industry
In the EU project Retrofeed, six heavy industries in the steel and cement industry, among others, will be made more energy efficient and switch to renewable raw materials and energy sources. This will be done with the help of both improved equipment and the development of control systems. "Digital twins" will also be developed for decision support.
The industries participating in the project produce cement, steel, aluminum, ceramic materials and fertilizers, respectively. They are located in Portugal, Romania, Turkey, Italy and Spain. The aim is to streamline resource utilization and increase the proportion of renewable and circular raw materials. The changeover will mean increased flexibility for the industries, which in turn will make them less sensitive to fluctuations in raw material and energy prices.
The industries will make improvements in their main processes, in parallel with the development of digital tools for improved governance. For example, the steel industries will start using biochar to replace natural gas in their arc furnaces and recycled phosphorus will be used for fertilizer production.
IVL's role is to coordinate the industries' development work throughout the project. In the initial phase, IVL will also develop indicators for environmental performance, resource utilization, quality and safety and later in the project make assessments of the sustainability of each industry's change measures. IVL will also develop a training program to facilitate the dissemination of the results of the project.
Project facts
- Implementation of a smart Retrofitting framework in the process industry towards its operation with variable, biobased and circular Feedstock
- Budget: 15 miljoner euro
- Financier: EU Horizon 2020, project number: 869939
- Partners: 18 partners i 10 länder. Fundación CIRCE – Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos, Asociación de Investigación Metalórgica Del Noroeste, Instytut Energetyko, Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes Asbl, Geonardo Environmental Technologies Ltd, ODYS srl, OPTIT srl, Torrecid SA, SECIL – Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento SA, ASAŞ Alüminyum Sanayi Ve Ticaret AŞ, Ferriere Nord SPA, Fertiberia SA, System Teknik Endustriyel Firinlarlimited Sirketi, Rina Consulting – Centro Sviluppo Materiali SPA, HTT Engineering Spol SRP, Rina Consulting SPA, Silcotub SA
- Period: 2019 - 2023