Annual report for 2021 from Mistra SafeChem
The second annual report from Mistra SafeChem is now published. Here you can read about achievements from 2021, but also get an overview of the programme and its people.
As the start of Mistra SafeChem was delayed to the autumn of 2020, due to the covid-19 pandemic, 2021 was the first full year of practical work. And it was a year full of interaction and excellent research in the programme. That is proved by the annual report, where we just can report on some of the achievements.
"Collaborations may give groundbreaking outcomes"
This is how the chairman of the board, Krister Holmberg, comments on the year:
"The activity is high in all the work packages and what is particularly satisfactory is to see how different work packages
have started to interact with each other. Collaboration between groups with different research focuses may result in outcomes that are novel and sometimes groundbreaking."
Several new case studies were started during the year. In the annual report, we look into two of them in detail: The sustainability assessment of a novel hydrogenation reaction process and Biocatalytic routes to amides for safer and more sustainable by design in discovery chemistry.
A long list of achievements in the work packages
The work packages report on their work under those headlines:
WP2: A framework to illustrate challenges for the chemical industry in Sweden
WP3: Development of tools for analysis of textiles, water and much more
WP4: Progress is made in replacing scarce metals and fossil resources
WP5: LCA training for all partners has facilitated transdisciplinary research
WP6: Tools and workflows are evaluated in challenging scenarios
Contribution from industry partners
You can also read statements from four of our industry partners – AC2T, Cytiva, IKEM and RenFuel – why they decided to join the programme.
And, of course, we tell about our long-awaited programme conference in November 2021, when we finally got to meet each other and other people interested in the work of Mistra SafeChem.