Permit applications and environmental impact assessments
Efficient permit applications are essential for businesses and society at large. Whether it involves the green transition, reindustrialization, or traditional operations requiring permits, clear permits with reasonable conditions are crucial for running a profitable and sustainable business, especially with increasing demands for environmental impact assessments.
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute’s experts have extensive experience guiding companies through the entire permit application process, from preparation to implementation, ensuring that operations comply with legal requirements while contributing to sustainable development. With our comprehensive expertise in sustainability and broad industry knowledge, we can tailor each project to the specific needs of companies - regardless of size and complexity, from manufacturing industries and solar parks to biogas facilities and quarries. Our research ensures that we offer relevant and up-to-date solutions.
Hire IVL for:
- Environmental assessment following Chapter 6 of Miljöbalken, including environmentally hazardous activities, Natura 2000 sites, water operations, and changes to the natural environment.
- Planning and conducting consultations with particularly affected parties, authorities, and the public, as well as representation at oral hearings.
- Preparation of status reports for operators subject to industrial emissions regulations.
- In-depth investigations and impact analyses, such as biodiversity assessments, studies of water, soil, and air, as well as spread calculations for emissions to air and assessments of air quality and odour.
- Process management and advice throughout the entire permit application process.