Impact on Forests and Soil
Our forests and soil are affected by a changing climate, land use, and air pollution. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has extensive experience in environmental monitoring, and based on this foundation, we can assist you with questions about how soil and forests are impacted by various factors.
IVL takes a comprehensive approach to these issues, working at both local and national levels. We are experts in pollution and acidification problems. With knowledge from long-term measurement series since the 1980s, we can analyze the effects and impacts of forest management, air pollution on the environment, and industrial emissions to soil and water bodies.
Hire IVL for:
- Mapping emissions and the spread of water pollutants in forest areas
- Measuring pollutants and assessing their effects
- Assessing the nutrient and acidification status of forest areas
- GIS analysis and presentations
- Designing monitoring programs
- Mapping main stocks and flows of substances in society, such as nutrient balances in forest soils
- Modeling the spread of pollutants